Thursday, July 3, 2008

Animals in Antarctica


In Antarctica there are many different types of animals in all different shapes and sizes. You will find Penguins, Whales, Seals, fish and also birds. These animals have different species like in the penguin family there is the Emperor Penguin.

Sperm whales are a part of the whale family. The male sperm whale is called a bull and a female is called a cow. The bulls can grow up to 18 metres long and the cows can grow up to 12m long. The sperm whale has no teeth and their head is very round. Their backs are a brownish or a dark blue-grey and their stomachs are paler than the back. Instead of having a dorsal fin the sperm whale has a series of ridges along its back towards their tail. The sperm whales head is filled with a liquid wax called spermaceti. The sperm whales diet is made up of krill, small fish and small squid. The sperm whale has a very big mouth but can only swallow things the size of or smaller then a krill. They sent various waves of vibration through the water to stun their food.The sperm whale has many interesting facts and one of them is that the sperm whales nostrils are connected to their blow hole. Also only the bulls go to Antarctica because the cows need to stay in warmer waters. But the bulls only go to Antarctica for a part of the year because they need to move to warmer waters in the winter and cooler in the summer. To keep them from freezing they have a layer of blubber under their skin.

The crab eater seals is another animal found in the Antarctic region. It has very dark coloured fur when it is wet and when it dries of its’ fur is a light grey colour. The adult crab eater seals usually have scars from their fights with the Leopard seals which are one of crab eater seals big predators. The leopard seals mostly eat the pups and just fight with the Adult crab eater seals. The crab eater seal can grow up to 2 metres in length. Their nose is like a cocker spaniels nose. They have a thick layer of blubber to protect them from the cold and freezing weather.
This species of seals only feed in the water not on the land. They feed on mainly krill and to get to food can dive up to 250m deep but their food is usually about 20m from the surface. The crab eater seal breeds from late September to early November. Their babies are called pup and in the breeding season they only have one pup at a time.

The crab eater seal has lots of interesting facts and here are some of them. On land the crab eater seal humps along like a caterpillar. They do everything on land like breed, rest and moult. The only thing they don’t do on land is feeding. The crab eater seal is a true member of Antarctica along with the Weddell, Ross and the leopard seals.

There are many different types of fish found in Antarctica how ever the main type is the ice fish. There are 15 species of ice fish in Antarctica. Some can grow up to 67centimetres in length. They have bony fins that are small and spiky. This fish has no scales at all but it does have very sharp teeth to attack their prey. The ice fish has a flat head and is shaped like a shovel. The ice fish can feed on the ocean floor where it feeds on algae and plankton. They hunt for smaller fish and squid and also eat krill.
The ice fish are a very interesting animal and here are some interesting facts. To protect themself they don’t live in a school they just live near shallow water. Their blood has no colour so sometimes they are called the White-Blooded fish. The ocean they live in has lots of oxygen so they can collect the oxygen through their skin.

The emperor penguin is one of the few species’ of penguin in Antarctica. The Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin of them all. To keep warm this species of penguin has a layer of fat to keep them warm in the coldest months. They can weigh up to 32kg and they can be about 1.3m tall. Their environment is only in Antarctica and they mostly live near the South Pole. Emperor penguins mainly eat fish and squid. They usually breed in the coldest months when the temperature is about -66 degrees Celsius they walk hundreds of kilometres to reach their nesting place. Near their feet is a hot patch to keep their eggs warm.
Here are some interesting facts about Emperor Penguins. The Emperor Penguin is an odd animal because they all have wings but they all can’t fly.

These animals are very special and can be extinct at any time. You should now know how important these animals are to the environment and that you should STOP WHALING and STOP SEALING.

My Bibliography
· Creatures of Antarctica By Sue Gough